A barking dog can be cute at first, but we usually get tired of it quickly. Every time a guest rings the doorbell, a neighbor walks past the window, or another animal shows up, the dog’s barking can become aggressive for you, but also for your neighbors. Here are some tips to help your dog stop barking so much.
First of all, you should know that dogs bark instinctively. While humans have the ability to speak, dogs use barking to express themselves. When dogs bark, it is primarily to warn their owners of the presence of an intruder and sometimes also to keep the stranger away. Dogs can also bark out of boredom. Finally, they can bark to attract attention when they are trying to get something. Whether it is affection, a reaction from his master, food or even a toy, the dog can use his barking to attract attention.
To limit your dog’s barking, it is important to create a comfortable environment where he will not be encouraged to bark during your absence. For example, when you leave the house for work, you can close the curtains to prevent him from seeing all the distractions outside. You can also put on music to hide all the other small noises that could cause him to bark.
It is also recommended to train your dog to stimuli. You can gradually introduce elements that will cause him to bark, in order to train him to remain silent, by rewarding him for his good behavior. For more specific help, do not hesitate to ask for the assistance of one of our dog trainers.
When the dog barks to warn, he acts as a protector. The owner must show his dog that he does not need to be on the lookout all the time. It is therefore recommended that the owner, in the early stages, move towards the reason for the barking, and thus reassure his dog. It is necessary to avoid shouting “shush” or “stop”, because the dog will associate your animosity with danger. It is also necessary to avoid reassuring the dog when he barks, since the comfort offered could be interpreted as encouragement. Your reaction will only validate his barking and reinforce his desire to protect.
Finally, for dogs who may suffer from separation anxiety, the antidote is the same as for a human: physical activity. It has been repeatedly shown that practicing a sport helps counteract depression by releasing dopamine. When the adrenaline goes down, the dog will be more tired and will spend his day sleeping, rather than barking. Mental activity can also help the dog to be more rested. Whether through obedience training or a stimulating toy, exercising your dog’s brain will help him be serene and calm when you’re away.
As you’ve noticed, it’s important to focus on the cause of the barking and not the barking itself. By treating the problems at the source, you’ll get your dog used to healthy behaviors. For more details about our training classes, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We look forward to hearing from you!